Facility Management, Construction & Real Estate
Delivering the best candidates. Not the best who applied.
A boutique search firm that specializes in facility management, construction and real estate for hospitals. We know what these professionals do and we know where to find them.
We don't wait around for the right candidates to notice us and you shouldn't either.
Keeping the Hospital Environment Working
Facility management covers a wide variety of support services within a hospital and is tasked with making sure that the Environment of Care is in compliance with codes and passes all surveys. In addition, a hospital needs to operate 24/7 without downtime and needs to be flexible to respond to emergency situations.
Energy management and sustainability have become larger issues within the hospital environment.
Construction, Planning and Design
Planning, design and construction of a hospital is complex and needs to respond to changing needs and technologies while meeting or exceeding code requirements.
Creating Value
Modern hospitals are really healthcare systems that include one or more actual hospitals plus outpatient facilities, specialty centers, clinics, and medical offices that may be on the hospital campus or expanding into the surrounding community. Hospitals often have a lot of real estate to manage and need professionals to do it.
Specialists In...
Facility management, construction and real estate professionals for hospitals.